Comics published from 2000 to 2009 are slightly different than those from the 1980s and 1990s. In the 2000s, the industry was experiencing the repercussions of the comic book crash of the late 1990s. Many of the speculators were gone, and those who remained to buy new comics were mostly readers and enthusiasts/collectors of the hobby. This led to lower print runs for many comic titles. While the print runs weren't as high as in the 1980s and 1990s, major titles such as Spider-Man and Batman (as well as mini-series events) would still sell well and the print runs would remain healthy.
In the 2000s comic book investing would shift from buying new comics that featured the first appearances of new characters to investing more in older comic books. However, there were many important first appearances from 2000 thru 2009. This has caused some comics from this period to go up in value and become solid investments today.

It can be tough to figure out which of your comics from the 2000s are valuable, but we've made an easy guide to help. This guide with the 200 most valuable comics from the year 2000 to 2009 can help you identify your comics. Please note that the list is not all-inclusive, but includes most comics that have value from this period. Also, note that if you have anything in a lower grade, please know that the value will be lower. If you feel like you have anything in higher grades, then be sure to use our grading guide. This list doesn't include magazines, manga, trade paperbacks, or sets (only individual comics listed).
Due to market volatility, we have decided to remove all prices from our guides. If you see something on our lists, then be sure to check eBay's sold listings to find comparable books to yours. Basically, you can use this guide for entertainment, but don't use it for anything more than that. And if you don't agree with any prices you find online, then you're welcome to sell your comics for whatever you'd like. Also, note that OUR GUIDES SHOULD NOT BE USED AS INVESTMENT ADVICE. DO NOT USE OUR WEBSITE IN YOUR SELLING AND PURCHASING DECISIONS. ALSO DO NOT ASK US FOR INVESTMENT ADVICE. Taking investing advice from a stranger is usually a bad idea anyway.
Please be sure to do proper research before selling or buying any comics on your own (our guide should not be your sole means of research). If you need any personal opinion (for entertainment only) on your collection, we can provide any opinion you might need free of charge.
Action Comics 775
First Manchester Black and the Elite.
This features the first appearances of Manchester Black and the Elite. This story has gone down as important as some consider it the first time Superman would cross the line using his powers.

Action Comics 869
Recalled Beer Bottle Cover.
This cover caused a bit of an uproar among collectors as it had Superman with a beer bottle on the cover, which didn't seem very family-friendly. This led to DC recalling the original cover and replacing it with a soda bottle in Clark Kent's hand.

Action Comics 894
First Death in DC Continuity.
While the DC character Death appears years before this in Sandman 8, this is the first time we see her in the DC Universe continuity as Lex Luthor goes through a literal near-death experience.

Adam Legend of the Blue Marvel 1
First Blue Marvel.
This comic has been heating up quite a bit over the past few years. It features the first appearance of Adam the Blue Marvel and many are expecting big things from the character. Note that issues 2-4 of this series also sell for some money, as they can be hard to find.

Alias 1
First Jessica Jones.
A popular Netflix show has caused this comic to go up in price. The price jump can also be attributed to Jessica Jones becoming a mainstay in Marvel Comics. Please make sure you have the first print as there were reprints of this issue.

Amazing Fantasy 15 (2006)
First Amadeus Cho.
While the original Amazing Fantasy 15 features the first appearance of Spider-Man and is worth tens of thousands of dollars, this modern comic features the first appearance of Amadeus Cho who would become the future Hulk.

Amazing Spider-Man Vol 2 30
First Ezekiel and Morlun.
The beginning of a new run on Spider-Man from writer J Michael Straczynski. This issue features the first appearances of the characters Ezekiel and Morlun and explores a different, more mystical side of the Spider-Man origin.

Amazing Spider-Man Vol 2 36
9/11 Tribute Cover
This issue has a black cover and is the Marvel Comics 9/11 Tribute. The value for this has always been stable ever since the book was released.

Amazing Spider-Man 565
First New Kraven.
This features the first appearance of the new Kraven (Ana Kravinov) which has gone up recently in value.

Amazing Spider-Man 569
2nd Print, First Anti-Venom.
The original Venom, Eddie Brock, takes the mantle of Anti-Venom in this issue. The 2nd print features a lower print run and seems to be more desired by collectors.

Amazing Spider-Man 569
First Anti-Venom, Granov Variant Cover.
Same as our previous entry, this features the return of Eddie Brock as Anti-Venom. This variant has a great cover from Adi Granov. The regular cover for this issue also has value.

Amazing Spider-Man 583
Variant (Obama Cover).
This comic is the inauguration variant cover featuring the newly elected president at the time, Barack Obama. Despite a huge print run, this issue has a great deal of cross-appeal, which kept it in the eyes of collectors. The regular cover and other printings of this issue don't have as much value.

Amazing Spider-Man 601
J Scott Campbell Cover.
Our next few entries feature great J Scott Campbell covers. This one has a popular Mary Jane cover from Campell and is a fan favorite.

Amazing Spider-Man 606
J Scott Campbell Cover.
This next comic also features a popular J Scott Campbell cover with Black Cat and Mary Jane. Campbell fans can't get enough of his work. There is a sketch variant and a partial sketch variant that also have some value.

Amazing Spider-Man 607
J Scott Campbell Cover.
This features another great, Black Cat cover from J Scott Campbell.

Amazing Spider-Man 611
Deadpool Cover.
This issue is popular because it features a Deadpool cover from the popular artist Skottie Young. Note that the 2nd print sells for more.

Annihilation Conquest 6
First New Guardians of the Galaxy.
This issue wraps up the events of Annihilation Conquest and features the formation of the modern Guardians of the Galaxy team which would become the inspiration for the popular movies. The Annihilation mini-series runs are highly recommended if you're looking for good reading material.

Ant 1
2004 Retailer, Campbell Variant Cover.
Continuing with the trend of popular J Scott Campbell covers, this features a lower print run for a lesser-known indy character, which has caught the attention of Campbell fans. There is also another variant (black cover) and a sketch variant that have value.

Astonishing X-Men 6
First Abigail Brand.
This issue is part of the great Joss Whedon and John Cassaday run and features the first appearance of Abigail Brand of SWORD.

Batman 608
Retailer Variant.
This beginning of the legendary Hush mini-series from Jeph Loeb and Jim Lee, this Retailer Summit variant cover was extremely popular upon release and is a personal favorite of ours.

Batman 608
2nd Print, Classic Cover.
The 2nd print of this issue is much more valuable than the first due to the lower print run and the iconic Jim Lee cover. This pose would become iconic and reused many times in Batman comics.

Batman 609
First Hush.
This comic has recently gone up in value and many recognize it as being the first time we are introduced to the villain Hush who is now a mainstay in Batman's rogue's gallery.

Batman 612
Sketch Variant Cover.
Continuing the classic Hush storyline, this features a popular 2nd print sketch variant from Jim Lee. This is an early sketch variant cover, so it caught attention when it was released.

Batman 635
First Jason Todd as Red Hood.
The character Jason Todd took the mantle of Robin in the 1980s but was killed by the Joker. This issue sees the character return as the Red Hood, with a much harder edge to him.

Batman 655
First Damian Wayne.
This issue has the first appearance of Batman and Talia Al Ghul's son, Damian Wayne in a cameo (in the shadows). There is also a 1:10 variant worth much more.

Batman 656
First Full Damian Wayne.
Continuing with our previous entry, this issue has the first full appearance of Damian Wayne who would eventually take the mantle of Robin.

Black Panther (Vol 3) 2
First Shuri.
Black Panther's sister and a popular character created by film director Reginald Hudlin, Shuri would shine in the Marvel movies.

Black Panther (Vol 4) 1
J Scott Campbell Cover.
This issue features a great J Scott Campbell cover and has Shuri in the Black Panther costume. The variant and 2nd print sell for less than the regular cover.

Black Panther (Vol 4) 1
J Scott Campbell Sketch Variant Cover.
This convention sketch variant cover can be very difficult to find, as it was very limited upon release. Add the fact that it's a J Scott Campbell cover and the 1st time we see Shuri as Black Panther (cover only) and you have a valuable book.

Black Panther (Vol 4) 5
First Shuri as Black Panther.
There is much speculation that Shuri will take the mantle of Black Panther in the movies, so many are starting to notice this issue. This also has another Campbell cover.

Bloodstone 1
First Elsa Bloodstone.
A slightly harder-to-find comic, this features the first appearance of Elsa Bloodstone who is rumored to make an appearance in the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

Blue Monday 3
J Scott Campbell Cover.
This issue features another great J Scott Campbell cover and can be tough to find due to a lower print run.

Captain America (Vol 5) 6
First Winter Soldier.
This issue was very mixed upon release as it reintroduced us to Bucky after the character was dead for over 40 years. Eventually, fans would embrace the Winter Soldier character and he would become a mainstay in Captain America comics and movies.

Captain Marvel 16
First Phyla-Vell (cameo).
This issue features the first appearance of Phyla-Vell, who is part of the Captain Marvel family. There are rumors of the character making appearances in future projects.

Captain Marvel 17
First Full Phyla-Vell.
This issue has the full appearance of the character from our previous entry.

Catwoman 51
Adam Hughes Cover.
Here we have an amazing Adam Hughes cover that features the numbers from the TV show Lost, which gives it a good amount of cross-appeal.

Chew 1
First Print.
This comic has come down over the years as it was a valuable issue for a while, due to TV show buzz. It's still a great read that we recommend.

Civil War 1
1:25 Turner Variant.
The beginning of the popular Civil War storyline from Marvel, this issue features a great, variant cover from the late, great Michael Turner. There is also a sketch variant cover from Turner

Civil War 1
Aspen Comics Turner Variant.
Another variant cover from Turner. This cover is a personal favorite of ours. Note that there are more Turner variants for the Civil War series, most of which have some value.

Civil War X-Men 1
Aspen Comics Turner Variant.
Another Aspen variant cover with art by Michael Turner. This is another favorite of ours, and we can't get enough of Turner's artwork.

Conan 24
Nude Variant.
A harder to find variant cover. Please note that we show the regular cover here, but in the variant, the girl on the cover is nude.

Cowboy Bebop 1
First USA Comic.
The first time we would see our favorite space cowboys in USA comic books, this issue has recently started to go up as the series gains popularity. Note that the other issues from this series also have some value.

Cursed Pirate Girl 1
Hard to Find Indy Title.
This comic book shocked everyone as it became a successful, self-published indy title, and the first issue can be hard to find.

Daredevil 111
Aja Variant, First Lady Bullseye.
This features the first appearance of Lady Bullseye, who we might see in more Marvel projects in the future. The regular and other variants also have some value.

Dark Avengers 1 (Variant)
First Iron Patriot.
This features the first appearance of Norman Osborn as the Iron Patriot and the formation of the Dark Avengers team. There is a regular variant and a Midtown Comics variant, both have value. In addition, there is an NYCC convention sketch variant that was very limited and sells for hundreds.

Deadpool 55
Tim Bradstreet Cover.
This issue has a great cover from artist Tim Bradstreet and features a Punisher crossover which gives it good appeal among fans of both characters.

Deadpool 69
Last Issue, Low Print Run.
Continuing our trend of final issues making our lists, we have the final issue of the original run of Deadpool which has a lower print run.

Dirty Pair Run From the Future 1
Adam Hughes Variant.
Another popular Adam Hughes cover. This one has gone up recently after being a relatively low-value book for years.

Elektra 3
Nude Recalled Variant.
While the regular edition of this issue has no value, there is a hard-to-find version that was recalled due to having a nude (in shadows) panel.

Elephantmen 18
Campbell Variant Cover.
Another popular J Scott Campbell cover. Note that there are color and sketch variants for this, both of which have value.

Everquest Online Adventures 1
Very Rare Giveaway
There isn't much information on this comic book, but it seems to have been a giveaway from Sony and Wildstorm Comics to commemorate the launch of the Everquest Online game series in 2002. It's extremely hard to find and sells for good money whenever it goes up for sale

Flash 197
First Hunter Zolomon (Zoom).
This comic has the first appearance of Hunter Zolomon as the new Reverse-Flash. The character makes an appearance in the well-received Flash TV show and is popular with Flash fans.

GI Joe 2
Adam Hughes Cover.
Another popular Adam Hughes cover. Hughes fans are a very dedicated bunch. Note that there are 2 versions of this cover, both of which have value.

GI Joe 21
Turner Variant, Renegar Edition.
This variant features an amazing Michael Turner cover and is a personal favorite of ours. Note that there are non-foil and foil versions of this book, both of which have values.

Green Lantern 25
First Larfleeze and Atrocitus (Both Covers).
This issue has the first appearances of both the Red Lantern Atrocitus and the Orange Lantern Larfleeze. It also marks the end of one of the best Green Lantern storylines, the Sinestro Corps War.

Grimm Fairy Tales 1
First Zenescope Comic.
Zenescope comics have become very popular for their variant covers, and this issue is the first issue from the company. Please note that there are many variant covers from Zenescope that have some value, but we will do a separate list for those.

Guardians of the Galaxy 1
First New GOTG Solo.
This issue is the first of the new, modern Guardians of the Galaxy and is highly recommended if you're a fan of the movies (a very good series). It's a continuation of the team that forms at the end of the Annihilation Conquest series.

Harley Quinn 1
First Solo Title.
This issue has Harley Quinn in her first solo series and features a great Terry Dodson cover.

Harley Quinn 38
Last Issue, Low Print.
The final issue of the series, this comic features a lower print run. It's essential for those looking to finish their sets.

Hulk 1 (2008)
Turner Variant, First Red Hulk.
Featuring the first appearance of General Ross as the Red Hulk character, this has another great cover from the late, great Michael Turner. The variant was exclusive to Wizard World.

Hulk 1 (2008)
McGuinness Variant, First Red Hulk.
There are a few more variants for this book, so we decided to include them as a separate entry. The 1:50 Ed McGuinness variant is the most desired by collectors.

Hulk 14 (2008)
Deadpool Variant, First Red She-Hulk.
This issue has the first appearance of Red She-Hulk. The 1:200 Deadpool variant cover was limited and sells for more, but the regular variant still has some value.

Hulk 16 (2008)
1:200 Deadpool Variant.
A popular cover among collectors due to the Deadpool appearance. The low ratio for this also makes it an expensive book online.

Image United 1
Jim Lee Variant.
Another popular Jim Lee variant cover. There is a sketch variant and a color variant for this issue. The 1:100 sketch variant has more value.

Image United 1
McFarlane Sketch Variant.
This features a great Todd McFarlane variant cover. Note that the regular color covers from McFarlane also have some value.

Image United 2
Capullo Sketch Variant.
This features a great cover from popular Spawn artist Greg Capullo. Note that the color Capullo variant also has some value to it.

Immortal Iron Fist 8
First Fat Cobra.
This issue features the first appearance of Fat Cobra. There is speculation that the character may appear in future projects.

Incredible Hulk 49
Where the Wild Things are Homage.
This issue has recently gone up in value as it has some cross-appeal for the homage to the classic children's book.

Incredible Hulk 92
First Planet Hulk.
The classic story from Greg Pak features the Hulk being sent to another planet and is considered by many to be one of the best Hulk stories of the modern era. Note that there is a 2nd print that isn't worth as much as the 1st print.

Incredible Hulk 100
Turner Grey Variant.
The classic story continues and here we have another great Michael Turner cover. Note that there are 2 variants for this issue. One has Hulk in grey and another has him in green. The grey variant is much harder to find and is worth more.

Infinite Crisis 5
First Jaime Reyes.
This features the first appearance of Jaime Reyes as the Blue Beetle after Ted Kord is killed. The Jim Lee cover (which has Blue Beetle on it) sells for more.

Invincible 1
First Mark Grayson.
This issue always had some value, but a popular show on Amazon Prime has made it a very valuable comic. This features the first appearance of Mark Grayson by popular writer Robert Kirkman of Walking Dead fame.

Invincible 1
Larry's World of Comics Variant.
While this variant isn't as valuable as the first print, it still has some value after seeing a recent price jump.

Invincible 44
First Anisa.
This issue has gone up after the premiere of the Invincible Amazon Prime TV show.

JSA Classified 1
Adam Hughes Cover.
Another popular Adam Hughes cover. You might be noticing a trend with this list including many Hughes and Campbell covers. There are color and sketch versions of this Hughes cover (the color sells for more).

JSA Classified 2
Adam Hughes Cover.
Another popular Adam Hughes cover. Once again continuing the trend we see on this list with many Hughes and Campbell covers.

League of Extraordinary Gentlemen 5
Recalled Variant.
Written by the popular Alan Moore, this particular issue was recalled for a Marvel Comics advertisement, so it can be sought after by collectors.

Locke and Key 1
Netflix Show.
Locke and Key by Joe Hill recently made its way to Netflix as a TV series and this issue features the first time we see the characters from the show. There is a Dynamic Forces variant that is worth about the same as the 1st print.

Marvel Team-Up 14
Invincible Crossover, Low Print.
During his time at Marvel, writer Robert Kirkman decided to bring his character Invincible (Image characters are creator-owned) over for a one-time crossover with Spider-Man. This comic has great cross-appeal as fans of both characters will pursue this issue.

Marvel Zombies 1
First Print, Low Print.
Written by Robert Kirkman of The Walking Dead, here we see an alternate world where all the heroes have been turned into zombies. This comic had a lower print run, which led it to go up in the aftermarket. Note the later printings aren't worth as much as the 1st print.

Masters of the Universe 1
2nd Print, Invincible Preview.
This issue can be popular with Masters of the Universe fans (due to a great Skeletor cover), but also features a preview of the Invincible comic series by Robert Kirkman, so it has multiple reasons for having value.

Masters of the Universe 6
Retailer Variant.
This retailer variant can be extremely tough to find as it has a very limited run. Note that there is also a website variant cover for issue 6 (exclusive to

Masters of the Universe 8
Website Variant.
Same as our previous entry this comic was only sold online ( and has a lower print run. This book can be very tough to find and doesn't go up for sale too often.

Ms. Marvel 1 Turner Variant.
This is the first issue in the series featuring the character that would eventually take would take the mantle of Captain Marvel. Note that the sketch variant is slightly more valuable.

New Avengers 7
First Appearance of the Illuminati.
This features the first appearance of Marvel's Illuminati. There is talk of the team appearing in future Marvel movies, which has caused the book to rise. Note that there is a Neal Adams variant that sells for about the same.

First Appearance of X-23.
The first appearance of Laura Kinney, a clone of Wolverine, this comic has always been slightly valuable but went up quite a bit when the character made an appearance in the Logan movie.

New X-Men 128
First Fantomex.
This issue features the first appearance of the mutant Fantomex which we saw more of in the popular Uncanny X-Force series later in the decade.

Power Girl 1
Adam Hughes Cover.
The first issue of the series and a great Adam Hughes cover. Power Girl is always a fan favorite, especially when Adam Hughes is drawing her.

Power Girl 2
Adam Hughes Cover.
Another popular Adam Hughes cover. We are great fans of Hughes and this cover is another example of his great work.

Power Girl 27
Last Issue, Low Print Run.
This issue is the final of the series and features a great Warren Louw cover. It also has a lower print run.

Punisher/Eminem 1
Hard to Find Crossover (XXL Magazine).
A very hard-to-find comic that was included in XXL Magazine. Here we see the popular rapper team up with the Punisher to take down the villain Barracuda. This comic has a good deal of cross-appeal among hip-hop collectors.

Runaways 1
First Runaways.
This has the first appearance of the Runaways who had a TV show. The book has cooled off slightly over the past year or two as the show wasn't well received.

Savage Dragon 102
First Appearance of Invincible (Preview).
Another preview of the Invincible series from Robert Kirkman.

Scalped 1
First Print.
This comic has been going up in value as there are talks of a TV show being produced using this property. The series is also highly recommended if you're looking for a good read.

Sentry 1
First Robbie Reynolds.
Featuring the first appearance of Robbie Reynolds AKA the Sentry. This issue has gone up recently as the character becomes more popular among the comic community. There is an SDCC variant and another variant that are slightly more valuable.

Spawn 1
MOCCA Exclusive Variant Cover.
A reprint to Spawn 1, this variant cover by Todd McFarlane was exclusive to MOCCA 2006. Another must if you're looking to complete your Spawn collection.

Spawn 100
Death of Malbolga.
While the Alex Ross variant is our personal favorite, we still love this cover. Please note that there are many different covers for Spawn 100 and many of them have almost the same value except the McFarlane variant which is worth more.

Spawn 119
Cameo of Gunslinger Spawn. Gunslinger Spawn is extremely popular among Spawn fans and this issue features the first appearance of the character in a cameo. He would not make his full appearance until issue 175.

Spawn 131
Low Print Run. This issue of Spawn features a lower print, and Spawn fans who want to complete their runs are willing to pay slightly more than the average issue.

Spawn 139
First She Spawn. Another first appearance that is a must if you're a fan of Spawn. This issue features the first appearance of She Spawn, who is starting to see more of a presence in the comics as of late.

Spawn 150
Anniversary Issue. Another great cover from the popular Jim Lee. Please note that there are several variants for this cover and a few of them have value.

Spawn 174
Cameo Gunslinger Spawn. Another cameo for Gunslinger Spawn, this issue is the first part of the 2 part storyline that introduces us to the character.

Spawn 175
First Full Gunslinger Spawn. After 2 cameo appearances, we are finally fully introduced to Gunslinger Spawn, a character Spawn fans can't get enough of. The character finally received a spinoff series recently.

Spawn 183
First Appearance Morana (Spawn's Daughter). This issue is yet another first appearance that Spawn fans are starting to take notice of in the past few years. It has gone up a bit recently.

Spawn 185
Capullo Headless Variant. This story features the "death" of Al Simmons and while this variant isn't as desirable as the McFarlane cover, it still has some value.

Spawn 185
McFarlane Headless Variant. The more desirable variant cover, this issue features the "death" of Al Simmons. McFarlane variants for the Spawn series always catch the attention of collectors. The regular cover has Spawn with his head still intact, but it doesn't sell for as much.

Spawn 185
Portacio Sketch Variant. A very hard-to-find variant cover, this issue was the most difficult to find when compared to all the others. It doesn't go up for sale much, but when it does it fetches good money as Spawn completists need it to finish their sets. There is also a regular color version which is much easier to find.

Spider-Man 2099 1
Spider-Man Classics White Variant. This variant cover was included with the Spider-Man Classics, Spider-Man 2099 action figure. Collectors seem to like how this variant looks when compared to other toy inserts, which is why the value has gone up.

Spider-Man Noir 1
First Spider-Man Noir. This was another book that was in dollar bins for many years, but over the past few years, it has seen price increases due to the character appearing in the first Spider-Verse movie.

Star Wars 17
First Quinlan Voss. There is a lot of speculation that some Star Wars characters from the comic books will appear in future projects. This has caused the value of issues such as this to go up recently. It's good to see the sometimes underappreciated Dark Horse Star Wars comics getting love.

Star Wars 19
First Aayla Secura. This features the first comic book appearance of the Jedi Aayla Secura, who might appear in future movies.

Star Wars Clone Wars 1
First Ahsoka Tano. The popular apprentice of Anakin Skywalker makes her first comic book appearance in this issue, and the price just keeps climbing. Note that the character first appears in the Clone Wars animated series.

Star Wars Clone Wars 1
First Ahsoka Tano Variant. This very hard-to-find variant was limited to only 1,000 copies and when this goes up for sale it can fetch big money. Star Wars fans who need to complete their sets will actively seek this issue.

Star Wars Clone Wars Adventures FCBD
First General Grievous. The sometimes underappreciated Star Wars villain makes his first comic book appearance in this comic based on the first Clone Wars Animated series (highly recommended).

Star Wars Dawn of the Jedi Force Storm 1
Origin Je-Daii. There is a lot of speculation that some Star Wars characters from the comic books will appear in future projects. This has caused the value of issues such as this to go up recently. It's good to see the sometimes underappreciated Dark Horse Star Wars comics getting love. This book has 3 printings and a variant.

Star Wars Jedi vs Sith 1
First Darth Bane. You'll notice that many Star Wars comics on this list feature the first appearances of Sith characters. That's because Star Wars fans just love the bad guys from the series.

Star Wars Jedi vs Sith 1
First Darth Bane (Dynamic Forces Variant) The Dynamic Forces, gold logo variant was more limited than the regular cover, so it can fetch some big money.

Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic 9
First Darth Revan. Darth Revan is a fan favorite and his first comic book appearance was undervalued for years. We're glad to see our favorite Sith get some love.

Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic 31
First Darth Malak. This features the first appearance of another popular Sith, Darth Malak. With the popularity of the character, it's only natural that his first appearance would go up in value.

Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic 42
Origin of Darth Revan. This comic features a great origin story for Darth Revan and has also gone up recently.

Star Wars Legacy 0
First Darth Talon Cover. There's no doubt that Darth Talon is a favorite among fans, and her first cover appearance (in a preview issue) is a good way to catch the attention of Star Wars lovers.

Star Wars Legacy 1
First Cade Skywalker. Star Wars fans are starting to pursue all types of first comic book appearances, and this issue is no different if you're looking to fill in your collection. The book also has a great Adam Hughes cover.

Star Wars Legacy 2
First Full Darth Talon. This issue features the 1st full appearance of the very popular Darth Talon, as well as several other characters. It also has a great Adam Hughes cover.

Star Wars Mace Windu 1
First Asajj Ventress. This one-shot features the first comic book appearance of Asajj Ventress, the popular Sith.

Star Wars Outlander 7
First Aurra Sing. This issue features the first appearance of the sometimes overlooked character Aurra Sing.

Star Wars Outlander 10
First Darth Krayt. This issue has the first appearance of yet another popular Sith character, Darth Krayt. Star Wars comics have great cross-appeal among non-comic collectors.

Star Wars Republic 51
First Durge. There is a lot of speculation that some Star Wars characters from the comic books will appear in future projects. This has caused the value of issues such as this to go up recently. It's good to see the sometimes underappreciated Dark Horse Star Wars comics getting love.

Star Wars Republic 52
First Asajj Ventress Cover. This issue features the first cover appearance of the popular Sith Asajj Ventress and recently it's gone up in value.

Star Wars Republic 65
First Commander Bly. There is a lot of speculation that some Star Wars characters from the comic books will appear in future projects. This has caused the value of issues such as this to go up recently. It's good to see the sometimes underappreciated Dark Horse Star Wars comics getting love.

Star Wars Tales 7
First Ailyn Vel. There is a lot of speculation that some Star Wars characters from the comic books will appear in future projects. This has caused the value of issues such as this to go up recently. It's good to see the sometimes underappreciated Dark Horse Star Wars comics getting love. Note that there are 2 different covers, but both have about the same value.

Supergirl and the Legion of Superheroes 23
Adam Hughes Variant. Adam Hughes fans have always pursued this variant and it can be a little difficult to find these days, making it expensive whenever it goes up for sale.

Superman Batman 1
Retailer Variant. This great Ed McGuinness variant cover was a retailer exclusive and was limited upon release, so it can command some money online.

Superman Batman 4
German Michael Turner Variant. This German variant cover features a great cover from the great Michael Turner and can be a little tough to find. Prices have always been high, so be ready to pay up if you want one.

Superman Batman Annual 4
First Batman Beyond in Continuity. While Batman Beyond first appears in comics in 1999, this is the first time we see the character appear in the DC Universe continuity. Note that there is a red cover 2nd print that is worth about the same as the 1st print.

Sweet Tooth 1 (Vertigo)
Netflix Show. This is another comic that was in dollar bins for many years, but a popular Netflix show has caused the price to climb in recent years.

Tarot Witch of the Black Rose 1
First Tarot (Both Covers). From the great Jim Balent (who is also known for his work on Catwoman), this issue features the first appearance of Tarot Witch of the Black Rose and the Broadsword Comics brand. It also features a couple of great covers (both worth about the same).

Tech Jacket 1
Invincible Preview. Another preview of Invincible from Walking Dead writer Robert Kirkman.

Teen Titans 75
Adam Hughes Variant. Another great Adam Hughes covers, this issue will sell for a good amount whenever it goes up for sale (we rarely see these Hughes variants).

Teen Titans 88
Adam Hughes Variant. While this isn't as valuable as the previous entry (due to it being easier to find), it's still another great Adam Hughes cover (and a personal favorite). This issue will sell for a good amount whenever it goes up for sale.

The Boys 1
First Appearance of the Butcher.
A popular Amazon show has caused this book to go up in value in the past few years. While Wildstorm (DC) published the first few issues, the series was turned over to Dynamite Comics due to its mature content.

The Hood 1
First Parker Robbins.
There has been speculation that we will see more of the Hood in future Marvel projects, which has caused this issue to rise in price.

Tomb Raider 33
Adam Hughes Cover. The Tomb Raider series has a few great Adam Hughes covers and this is one of our favorites. This issue also has a good amount of cross-appeal with video game collectors. Note that there is also a Tony Daniel cover that sells for some cash as well.

Tomb Raider 45
Adam Hughes Cover. The Tomb Raider series has a few Adam Hughes covers and this is another great one. This issue also has a good amount of cross-appeal with video game collectors.

Ultimate Fantastic Four 22
First Marvel Zombies. Another comic that was in most dollar bins for many years. The recent addition of the Marvel Zombies to the MCU has caused this book to climb in price. The issue before this has the 1st appearance of the Fantastic Four zombies but isn't worth much.

Ultimate Spider-Man 1
First Print, First Ultimate Title. This issue marks the beginning of the Ultimate brand from Marvel. Here we would see younger versions of our favorite characters. This was a great strategy to bring in new, fresh readers. Please make sure your copy of this has a bar code that says "direct edition". There are a lot of reprints and none have this on the bar code.

Ultimate Spider-Man 1
White Variant, First Ultimate Title. This is the harder-to-find white variant cover for Ultimate Spider-Man 1. Note that there are several variants for this book and this is the most valuable. Most of the other variants don't have much value.

Uncanny X-Force 1
Liefeld Variant Cover. While Rob Liefeld isn't our favorite artist, this issue has gone up in value due to it being slightly more difficult to find. Note that there is also Midtown Comics (and 1:50) Campbell variant worth some money.

Uncanny X-Men 500
Turner Sketch Variant. Yet another great cover from Michael Turner. Note that there are color and sketch versions for this cover and both have around the same value.

Uncanny X-Men 510
Color Campbell Variant. Featuring another great J Scott Campbell cover that fans took notice of later on. This isn't as valuable as the sketch variant, but collectors will still pay for this issue.

Uncanny X-men 510
Sketch Campbell Variant. A very hard-to-find sketch variant that was a convention exclusive, this book features the same cover as our previous entry but a sketch background. This issue can fetch some good money when it goes up for sale due to its limited run.

Venom Carnage 1
First Patrick Milligan (Toxin). This book features the first appearance of Patrick Milligan who would become the Toxin character a few issues later.

Venom Carnage 4
First Toxin. This comic has Patrick Milligan become the new symbiote character Toxin, who would go on to become a favorite among fans of Venom and Carnage.

Walking Dead 1
First Rick Grimes, Shane Walsh. This comic needs no introduction. This features the first appearances of Rick Grimes and Shane Walsh and marks the beginning of the Walking Dead series that would eventually take the world by storm with a hit TV show.

Walking Dead 2
First Carl and Lori Grimes. Featuring the first appearances of Carl and Lori Grimes, this issue has a low print run (like our previous entry) and fans of the series are willing to pay.

Walking Dead 3
First Dale, Andrea. The third issue of the series introduces us to more new characters that would become mainstays in the series. This book also has a lower print run, like many of the earlier issues. Note that issues 4-10 of Walking Dead also have some value (mostly $40-50 ea).

Walking Dead 19
First Michonne. A fan-favorite character makes her debut in this comic with a very popular cover from Tony Moore. Michonne would become the resident sword welding protector of the series.

Walking Dead 27
First Appearance of Governor. This issue features the first appearance of the popular villain known as the Governor. Those who have seen the TV show know that the character needs little introduction.

Walking Dead 33
Hard to Find 2nd Print. This book has Michonne go up against the Governor in a brutal fight scene. Note that the 2nd print can be much harder to find when compared to the first.

Walking Dead 34
Hard to Find 2nd Print. Another hard-to-find second print, this comic has caught the attention of collectors looking to finish their sets.

Walking Dead 50
Erik Larson Superhero Variant. A great cover from Savage Dragon artist Erik Larsen, this has our favorite Walking Dead characters as superheroes.

Witchblade Museum Edition
Low Print. We are only going to put one museum edition on this list, but please note that pretty much all museum editions have some kind of value (most are worth hundreds), especially if they have sketches. Many of them are limited to just a few dozen and hand-numbered. Some titles that have museum editions are Fathom, Witchblade, and Aria.

Wolverine 66
Turner Variant, First Old Man Logan. A critically acclaimed and highly recommended read, this issue marks the beginning of the Old Man Logan storyline. This Turner variant is also another favorite of ours. Note that there is a sketch and color variant for this issue and the sketch variant has the most value. The regular cover for Wolverine 66 has some value as well.

Wolverine Origins 10
Third Claw Variant, First Daken. This book features the first appearance of Wolverine's son, Daken. Note that the third claw variant is the most valuable cover, but the regular (2 claw) cover also has a little value.

Wonder Woman 184
Adam Hughes Cover. Another great Adam Hughes cover has caught the attention of collectors.

World War Hulk 1
Aspen Turner Variant. This great Michael Turner cover that was exclusive to Aspen Comics is amazing and captures the World War Hulk event perfectly. There is also a David Finch sketch variant that is worth about the same as the Turner variant.

What if Planet Hulk 1
First Appearance of Skaar. Featuring the first appearance of Hulk's son, Skaar. The character has become very popular among Hulk fans.

X-Men 205
First Hope Summers. Hope Summers is starting to become popular among X-Men fans and this book still seems slightly undervalued. Note that there's a Campbell cover to this issue that is worth more.

Y the Last Man 1
First Yorick. Featuring a great story from Brian K Vaughan, this series was popular upon release. A TV show made it go up, but the critics said otherwise as the show was not well received, which caused the book to drop back down.

Young Avengers 1
First Young Avengers. This issue has the first appearance of a ton of characters. We see that Kate Bishop is already in the MCU. The other characters may follow as well, so speculators are keeping their eyes peeled. There is also a Director's Cut for issue 1 that is valued almost the same as the regular cover.

Young Avengers 1
Wizard Sketch Variant. This variant was exclusive to the Wizard conventions and recently went up in value. Please note that there are Wizard Firsts CGC graded 9.5 versions (CGC doesn't normally give 9.5 grades) of this that will sell for much more if still encased.

Young Avengers 6
First Stature. This issue features the first appearance of Cassie Lang as Stature. Speculation has caused this book to go up in price recently.

Young Avengers 10
First Tommy Shepard (Later Speed). Another book that has gone up recently from the series due to speculation.

Young Avengers Presents 6
First Kate Bishop as Hawkeye. Here we see Kate Bishop take the mantle of Hawkeye. The character made an appearance in the recent Hawkeye show, which made this book climb in price.

Zatanna 1
Bolland Variant. The Bolland variants for the Zatanna series can be a little tough to find and sell for some money. They are also great covers.

Zatanna 2
Bolland Variant. The Bolland variants for the Zatanna series can be a little tough to find and sell for some money. They are also great covers.

Zatanna 3
Bolland Variant. The Bolland variants for the Zatanna series can be a little tough to find and sell for some money. They are also great covers.

Zatanna 4
Bolland Variant. The Bolland variants for the Zatanna series can be a little tough to find and sell for some money. They are also great covers.

Zatanna 5
Bolland Variant. The Bolland variants for the Zatanna series can be a little tough to find and sell for some money. They are also great covers.

Zatanna 6
Bolland Variant. The Bolland variants for the Zatanna series can be a little tough to find and sell for some money. They are also great covers.

Zatanna 11
Adam Hughes Cover. Another great Adam Hughes cover and a later issue that makes it popular among collectors (a personal favorite of ours).

Zatanna 15
Adam Hughes Cover. Another great Adam Hughes cover and a later issue, which makes it popular among collectors.

Zatanna 16
Last Issue, Low Print, Hughes Cover. This issue has a few things going for it. It's a great Adam Hughes cover, it's a final issue and it features a fan-favorite character.

What Makes a Comic from the 2000s Valuable?
You might have a collection that consists of only modern comics from the year 2000 and up, and might be wondering if you have any hidden gems in there. Chances are that a good majority of your collection isn't worth much. While comics from the 2000s can be easier to sell than comics from the 90s, they generally aren't worth a good amount with a few small exceptions. This might get you thinking; what makes a comic book published from 2000 thru 2009 valuable?
The first thing we need to look at is the significance of a comic. Is a book in your collection considered to be the first appearance of any major character? If a character that's popular first appears in a particular issue, then there is a much higher chance that the book will be valuable (this is the reason why a majority of comics go up in value). This is also where speculation also starts. Some investors try to jump the gun and predict who becomes popular. This can be due to an announcement from Marvel or DC that states that the character will be used in more future comic projects, but that's not always the case. More often than not, a character's first appearance goes up because people think that they will make an appearance in a future movie or TV show. What sparked this is that certain projects caused certain comics to go up suddenly (ex: Walking Dead 1 quickly went from $100 to $1,000 once the TV show became popular). The next reason for value increases we need to look at is the cover art. Unlike people, comics will be judged by their cover. You might have noticed that artists like Adam Hughes, Michael Turner, and J Scott Campbell appeared quite a bit on this list. And the reason for that is because those are very popular artists whose works are beloved by collectors. Their work also speaks for itself. That being said, most covers aren't good enough to warrant a random comic to go up in price. Even covers by Campbell, Hughes, and Turner sometimes have their ceiling in regards to value. This is because their fanbase is dedicated, but art can only make a random issue worth so much unless it's very limited. Some newer artists are starting to have their covers go up in price as well (Artgerm, Shannon Maer, Mike Mayhew), so keep your eyes peeled as their work might go up in price in the future.
The last thing to consider when think